From: dr.heskett on 8 Mar 2010 17:46 Word 7 has a handy word count function, but it counts as "words" things like Roman numerals, + signs (like this: + + + + + + + = 7 words), and so on. Is there any way to change this? Thanks!
From: Trevor Doyle on 23 Mar 2010 10:04 I'm sorry to say this, but I really don't think there is a way that I know of. There is a way to not have it count footers and headers and text boxes etc. By selecting the review tab > abc word count > check or uncheck the box. The best way I can think of to get around your problem is to count the symbols like that and subtract it from the total. You can use the Ctrl + F command to find the symbols and numbers that you dont want. "dr.heskett" wrote: > Word 7 has a handy word count function, but it counts as "words" things like > Roman numerals, + signs (like this: + + + + + + + = 7 words), and so on. Is > there any way to change this? Thanks!
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