From: "David Biddulph" groups [at] on
Put the times in as times, which means using a colon instead of a decimal
point. 10:00, not 10.00
To subtract 10:00 from 16:00, use the minus sign. =B2-A2
To add times which might be more than 24 hours, format as [h]:mm. The
square brackets stop the time wrapping round at 24 hours.
To convert from time to decimal hours, multiply by 24 and format as number
or general, rather than as time.

If, of course, you are going to put 10:30 in as 10.50, then you just treat
everything as number of hours and don't need to multiply by 24.
David Biddulph

"Fredrik" <Fredrik(a)> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Every month we make a list of our employees working hours.
> ex.
> monday 10.00 - 16.00 = 6h
> tuesday 16.00 - 20.00 = 4h
> total 10h
> how can i calculate the hours together, some employ can have only 30 hours
> per week, now calculate by my fingers....sorry for my bad english
> Fredrik, Finland