From: thibarg.web on
Hi all,

To get and display misc infos, I use the "performance counter" (pdh...)
routines. For most infos, it's ok on both XP and Vista. But under XP, I
can't get the "private wrking set":

// __________________________<Code>

DH_HQUERY appMemQueryCounter= NULL;
PDH_HCOUNTER appMemCounter = NULL;
PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
char counterPath [1024];

// Code using PdhLookupPerfNameByIndex to get the appropriate labels.
// At the end, counterPath contains:
// \Processus(MonAppli)\Plage de travail - Privée"
// (yes, in french ;->)

pdhStatus = PdhOpenQueryH(NULL, NULL, &appMemQueryCounter);
if(pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS && appMemQueryCounter != NULL)
dhStatus = PdhAddCounter(appMemQueryCounter, counterPath, NULL,
&appMemCounter );

/ __________________________</Code>

But PdhAddCounter returns 0xC0000BB9, which means"(PDH_CSTATUS_NO_COUNTER)
The specified counter could not be found".

Under Vista, I get the private working set (you need to be admin or to be
in the group that can get performances counters). Under XP, I have admin.
rights, but get this error.

I looks like this countert does not exist on XP, but when I use the
microsoft application to get those infos, I can see they display it.

Any idea on how to get this info under XP?

From: gerhard on
thibarg.web wrote:

> I looks like this countert does not exist on XP, but when I use the
> microsoft application to get those infos, I can see they display it.

Which "microsoft application" ?