From: Walter Roberson on
Erik de Boer wrote:

> To analyse a fracture mechanics problem I'm using a FEM program that
> requires an imported mesh (set of nodes and coordinates + their
> connectivity). I've written a matlab script to create this mesh array.
> The FEM program can read the array from a .txt file. For the program to
> be able to read it, the vertical offset between the last character in
> column n and the decimal separartor of culumn n+1 has to be 5 spaces.
> Like this:
> 24 9.0000 6.0000 25 0
> 0 30 1.2857 -0.4286 31 3.8571
> -1.2857
> Up to now I wasn't able to do this, using dlmwrite and fprintf.
> Admittedly, I'm not very familiar with these commands. So my question
> is: how do I write my matlab data to a .txt file with fixed no. of
> spaces between decimal seperator of consecutive columns?
> I hope someone can help me with this. Thanks!

dlmwrite() 'Precision' parameter or appropriate fprintf() format.

You want fixed-point so you want a '%f' format. 4 decimal places so the
format needs '.4', making it '%.4f'. Now you need to calculate the total
width of the field, which is the 5 characters before the decimal, plus
the decimal, plus the 4 after, making 10 total. This gives you a format
of '%10.4f' if you are using fprintf.

If you are using dlmwrite() then you need to change the delimiter from
the default. You could use space as a delimiter, but if you do then you
need to reduce the width of the field to account for the space, giving
you '%9.4f'. Better for your purpose is likely to change the delimiter
to '' (the empty string) and retain %10.4f .

The exact format you should use would depend on whether


would be considered an error (due to lack of space between the fields)
or would be considered to be 6.0000 followed by -9999.9999 . Usually if
there is an exact spacing requirement imposed (as in this case) there is
no requirement or expectation for a space.