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From: Iron on 25 May 2010 03:20 Hello everybody. I am programming a .m-file that computes the temperature distribution in a cylinder that consists of 4 layers each one having different specific heat capacities / densities / thermal conductivities. The inner temperature is constant, whereas the outer wall is giving heat via conduction to the environment. However when I let the programm to give me the values for t=> infinity, I dont get the correkt values like in the steady-state-model :S any help would be appreciated. Here is the m.file: function pdex2 m = 1; x = linspace(0.295,0.655,40); t = linspace(0,8e+7,40); sol = pdepe(m,@pdex2pde,@pdex2ic,@pdex2bc,x,t); u = sol(:,:,1); surf(x,t,u) title('Numerical solution computed with 40 mesh points.') xlabel('Distance x') ylabel('Time t') figure plot(x,u(end,:),'r') title('Solution at t = oo') xlabel('Distance x') ylabel('u(x,oo)') % -------------------------------------------------------------- function [c,f,s] = pdex2pde(x,t,u,DuDx) ri=0.295; lambdai2=1.685; rocpi2=1600000; r2=0.395; lambda23=0.176; rocp23=800000; r3=0.520; lambda34=0.13; rocp34=400000; r4=0.645; lambda4w=52; rocp4w=7850000; rw=0.655; lambda=stepfun(x,ri)*lambdai2+stepfun(x,r2)*(lambda23-lambdai2)+stepfun(x,r3)*(lambda34-lambda23)+stepfun(x,r4)*(lambda4w-lambda34); rocp=stepfun(x,ri)*rocpi2+stepfun(x,r2)*(rocp23-rocpi2)+stepfun(x,r3)*(rocp34-rocp23)+stepfun(x,r4)*(rocp4w-rocp34); c = rocp; f = DuDx.*lambda; s = 0; % -------------------------------------------------------------- function u0 = pdex2ic(x) u0 = 400; % -------------------------------------------------------------- function [pl,ql,pr,qr] = pdex2bc(xl,ul,xr,ur,t) pl = ul-400; ql = 0; pr = (ur-20)*10/52; qr = 1; THANKS ALOT FOR ANY HELP
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