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From: Jimbo on 26 May 2010 07:36 Hello I have made a simple application using WxPython that is a temperature converter. This is my first application made in WxPython, the only other apps I have made were in Win32 c++ so I am new to widgets in general. I am looking for advice & criticism on when you should use classes in GUI widget apps (& where) & other general advice: - Structure of a wxPython script/code - Should every window be in its own class? - whats the best way to refer to a control (by window name or ID) - Should a group of controls that are related be in a class For example should I make a Celsius class that handles the celsius editbox, static & button & the button action function(convert_to_fahrenheit())? - Errors, bad things I have done in my code - When & why use a Validator?? Temperature Converter Application: """ Temperature Application Description: This application uses WxPython to create a simple windows app to convert temperature from celsius to fahrenheit & visa versa. Looking for advice on everything to do with wxPython: For example: - Structure of a wxPython script/code - Should every window be in its own class? - whats the best way to refer to a control (by window name or ID) - Should a ground of controls that are related be in a class For example should I make a Celsius class that handles the celsius editbox, static & button? - Errors, bad things I have done in my code - When & why use a Validator?? """ import wx ## Constants ## ID_FAHREN = 1 ID_CELSIUS = 2 class Controller(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,"Temperature Converter", size=(247,186)) # Create Controls panel = wx.Panel(self) self.create_controls( panel, wx.Validator() ) self.fah_edit.SetValue(str(32)) self.cel_edit.SetValue(str(0)) # Define actions self.Bind_Events() def create_controls(self, panel, val): """ Create all the controls we will need for the temperature conversion """ self.bmp_static = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Bitmap pic will be here", (10,5), (150,40)) self.fah_static = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, "Fahrenheit: ", (10,70), (-1,-1)) self.cel_static = wx.StaticText(panel, -1,"Celsius: ", (140,70), (-1,-1)) self.fah_edit = wx.TextCtrl(panel,ID_FAHREN, pos=(70,65), size=(40,25), style=0, validator=val, name='a') self.cel_edit = wx.TextCtrl(panel,ID_CELSIUS, pos=(180,65), size=(40,25), style=0, validator=val, name='b') self.to_fah_button = wx.Button(panel,label="To Fahrenheit", pos=(145,95),size=(80,25)) self.to_cel_button = wx.Button(panel,label="To Celsius", pos=(35,95),size=(80,25)) self.exit_button = wx.Button(panel,label="Exit",pos=(157,123), size=(70,25)) def Bind_Events(self): """ Bind application events to class functions """ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.close_button, self.exit_button) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE,self.close_window) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.convert_to_celsius, self.to_fah_button) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.convert_to_fahrenheit, self.to_cel_button) def close_button(self, event): self.Close(True) def close_window(self, event): self.Destroy() def error_check(self, string): """ Check for valid input in editboxes. Valid input includes float & integer values only """ if string.isalpha() or len(string) <= 0: return False return True def convert_to_fahrenheit(self, event): """ Convert the value in fahrenheit window to celsius & display in our window/edit box """ # Algorithm # - Get number from fahrenheit editbox # - convert fahrenheit value to celsius # - change value in Celsius Window to # Step 1: fahren_value = self.fah_edit.GetValue() if not self.error_check( fahren_value ): self.fah_edit.SetValue( "NA" ) return # Step 2: value = (float(fahren_value) - 32) * 5/9 # Step 3: self.cel_edit.SetValue( str(value) ) def convert_to_celsius(self, event): """ Convert the value in celcius window/editbox to fahrenheit & display in our window/editbox """ # Algorithm # - Get number from celsius editbox # - convert celsius value to fahrenheit # - change value in fahrenheit Window # Step 1: celsius_value = self.cel_edit.GetValue() if not self.error_check( celsius_value ): self.cel_edit.SetValue( "NA" ) return # Step 2: value = (float( celsius_value ) * 9/5) + 32 # Step 3: self.fah_edit.SetValue( str(value) ) if __name__ == "__main__": app = wx.PySimpleApp() frame = Controller(parent=None,id=-1) frame.Show() app.MainLoop() |