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From: Rem5 on 26 Jul 2006 09:05 When I connect F2812 XDS510 Emulator to the target board the error " Error connecting to the target: Error 0x80000200/-1037 Fatal Error during: OCS, PTI_ERR_EMU_CLOSE Error Occured at 0x00000000 Sequence ID: 0 Error Code: -1037 Error Class: 0x80000200 I/O Port = 240 Board Name: F2812 XDS510 Emulator Cpu Name: CPU_1 " appear.What does this error mean?
From: Noway2 on 27 Jul 2006 08:20 Rem5 wrote: > When I connect F2812 XDS510 Emulator to the target board the error > " > Error connecting to the target: > Error 0x80000200/-1037 > Fatal Error during: OCS, > PTI_ERR_EMU_CLOSE Error Occured at 0x00000000 > > > Sequence ID: 0 > Error Code: -1037 > Error Class: 0x80000200 > I/O Port = 240 > > Board Name: F2812 XDS510 Emulator > Cpu Name: CPU_1 > " > appear.What does this error mean? This error message looks a lot like the one that pops up when you remove power from the target board when the emulator is still attatched (and 'connected to target'). First, are you sure that you have the appropriate power applied to both the target board AND to the emulator pins? Second, when EXACTLY is this error occuring? You said when you connect to the target. In what step of the connection process did you mean? For example, does this occur when you plug the emultor plug into the target board, when you apply power, when you select 'connect to target' from the menu, etc. These next three apply if you are using your own target board rather than an ezDSP kit: Third, one thing that comes to mind is the TRST line, which is the reset line used by the emulator to reset the target application. Did this line get connected correctly? Fourth, what about the power up sequencing. There are timing requirements and an order to which the power supplies must power up. Are these being met? Fifth, do you have a proper reset PULSE that is being activated for a sufficient period of time and then being released? Is the reset circuit implemented correctly? I recall that there are some comments about the reset line working in conjunction with the TRST line on the ezDSP schematic, though I don't know if this is applicable to your situation or not.
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