From: KathyG_NC on
I've found that when I can't her alt/ctrl/del to work, try right clicking the
taskbar - there's an option there to open the Task Manager.

"mbuzard" wrote:

> This just started about two months ago - Users throughout our network will
> hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and ... nothing happens. No Task Manager, no screen change,
> nothing.
> These are all XP SP3 desktops spread across different hardware, different
> builds, etc.. The software suite installed is fairly consistent. Users have
> all sorts of rights (Admin, Restricted User, etc..). The only consistency is
> that if it's happening for a user, it seems to happen to that user again...
> every couple of days, once a week, etc.. I've done SFC, malware, antivirus -
> no luck.
> We've used some online java-based keyboard applets to monitor for keyboard
> activity, and the system sees the keys being pressed; they just doesn't
> create the desired, normal effect.
> Windows-L works fine, and once Win-L is pressed, Ctrl-Alt-Del starts working
> again.
> Any ideas? Even some troubleshooting resources would be great.