From: sloan on
Ok, my xml inability shows itself once again.

Thanks for any help.

Below I have some xml and some code for trying to get the "Publish_Date"
element value.

I've tried 4 different ways to get it.
(If you uncomment the lines in the code seen here, you can see the ways I've
tried to get the value)
theOneImGonnaTry = myNameSpaceNameLocalName1 + ":";
theOneImGonnaTry = myNameSpaceNameLocalName2 + ":";
theOneImGonnaTry = myNameSpaceNameLocalName3 + ":";
theOneImGonnaTry = string.Empty;

(The code seen above makes more sense when you look at the code below).

Below is the xml sample (and its source url in the code) and the C# code I'm
trying to use.

---------START XML
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<sdnList xmlns:xsi=""






---------END XML

C# code below

string sdnUrl =
+ DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(sdnUrl);

XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();

string myNameSpaceNameLocalName1 = "xsi";

string myNameSpaceNameLocalName2 = "myxsi";

string myNameSpaceNameLocalName3 = "anythingHere";

string theOneImGonnaTry = string.Empty;

theOneImGonnaTry = myNameSpaceNameLocalName1 + ":";

//theOneImGonnaTry = myNameSpaceNameLocalName2 + ":";

//theOneImGonnaTry = myNameSpaceNameLocalName3 + ":";

//theOneImGonnaTry = string.Empty;

string myXPath = "//" + theOneImGonnaTry +

Console.WriteLine("Let's try : " + myXPath);

XPathExpression xpExpress = nav.Compile(myXPath);

XmlNamespaceManager context = new XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable);





XPathNodeIterator nit = nav.Select(xpExpress);

while (nit.MoveNext())


XPathNavigator nav1 = nit.Current.Clone();

Console.WriteLine("Publish_Date: " + nav1.Value);


From: sloan on

Thanks (again!) Martin.

"Martin Honnen" <mahotrash(a)> wrote in message
> sloan wrote:
>> <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
>> <sdnList xmlns:xsi=""
>> xmlns="">
>> <publshInformation>
>> <Publish_Date>02/10/2010</Publish_Date>
>> <Record_Count>4301</Record_Count>
>> </publshInformation>
>> </sdnList>
> The following should suffice:
> XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument("input.xml");
> XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator();
> XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new
> XmlNamespaceManager(nav.NameTable);
> mgr.AddNamespace("df",
> nav.SelectSingleNode("*").NamespaceURI);
> Console.WriteLine(nav.SelectSingleNode("//df:Publish_Date",
> mgr).Value);
> Or use LINQ to XML:
> XElement root = XElement.Load(@"..\..\XMLFile1.xml");
> XNamespace df = root.Name.Namespace;
> Console.WriteLine(root.Descendants(df +
> "Publish_Date").First().Value);
> --
> Martin Honnen --- MVP XML