From: Peter Kabal on
"Rob Newman" <rlnewman(a)> wrote in message <hn8psc$i1h$1(a)>...
> Hi there,
> ...
> I also want the top-most YLabel and bottom-most YLabel to have the string "nm/sec" append to the label.

I have written some routines to do arbitrary labelling of the axis ticks. Normal tick labels don't allow for the use of special symbols, such as the latex symbol '\pi'. To get around this restriction, I have a routine (SetXTickLabel) which erases the existing labels, then places a centered tex string in place of each label. The new text string can include latex symbols.

Another routine (SymbolLabesl) will generate text labels with "units" appended and allows for fractions in the label. For instance "0.75" and a symbol of "\pi" will give a label "3 \pi / 4". The text strings generated can be used as input to SetXTickLabel.

The routines are included in the private folder of a package "PlotFilter" on Matlab Central.

There are some other routines in there that might be of interest. GenTicks generates tick values, which in many cases are more aestetically pleasing than the ones generated by Matlab. There is also a routine for generating minor tick (MidTick)s.

Run the TestPlotFilter routine in the PlotFilter distribution to see examples of the axis labelling generated by using the routines above.
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