Prev: Ok he didn't die, but there is something else fishy...
Next: Give up carrier, get leg back ? ;) :)
From: Skybuck Flying on 12 Jan 2010 00:47 Ok, Finally to answer my own question: Did the guy get filthy rich ? My best bet: Probably yeah... he should have some money... he worked at IBM... maybe he get nice stock options... :) Maybe like a whole lot of stock options ! ;) :) The patent is from 1996... by that time there were decent computers already... so he could have worked on pretty good computers which helps... I would have been more impressed if he invented this in 1981 or so ?! But 1996 not bad ! ;) I wonder if any machines were actually made with this invention inside it ? For now I am gonna give it a rest... somebody else will have to continue the hunt for this technology ;) :) =D Bye, Skybuck =D
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