From: carlos on
Hi everyone!!

I'm doing a guide interface in which there are one button press and one edit text.
When you press the button you got a number with 5 unique figures. I'd like to have at least 10 figures, how can I do it??

Many thanks before hand,
From: Walter Roberson on
carlos wrote:

> I'm doing a guide interface in which there are one button press and one
> edit text.
> When you press the button you got a number with 5 unique figures. I'd
> like to have at least 10 figures, how can I do it??

set(Edit_box_handle, 'String', sprintf('%.10g', NumericValue));

Or instead of %.10g you might want %.10f

From: ImageAnalyst on
Is this what you're thinking of?

% Find out how many digits to create, anywhere from 5 to 10.
numberOfDigits =int32(5*rand(1)+5)

% Get 10 unique and randomly arranged digits in the range 0-9
randomUniqueNumbers = randperm(10) - 1

% Take just numberOfDigits of them.
randomUniqueNumbers = randomUniqueNumbers(1:numberOfDigits)

% Turn it into a string.
strNumber = num2str(randomUniqueNumbers)

% The string has spaces, so get rid of them.
strNumber(strNumber==' ')=[]