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From: Fox Chang on 9 Aug 2010 10:25 Hello All, If I want to add a filter in below script, when the computer's one of the DNS IP header is "192.168" , change the computer's IP address and DNS IP as below script. If not, don't change anything. How can I modify this script? Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root \cimv2") Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE") strIPAddress = Array("") strSubnetMask = Array("") strGateway = Array("") strGatewayMetric = Array(1) strDNSServerSearchOrder = Array("","") For Each objNetAdapter in colNetAdapters errEnable = objNetAdapter.EnableStatic(strIPAddress, strSubnetMask) errGateways = objNetAdapter.SetGateways(strGateway, strGatewaymetric) errDNSServerSearchOrder = objNetAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(strDNSServerSearchOrder) If errEnable = 0 Then WScript.Echo "The IP address has been changed." Else WScript.Echo "The IP address could not be changed." End If Next |