From: lily on 21 Jun 2010 06:09 Hi, I don't know exactly about command legend and its object_handle property,I have some questions in the following example. Thanks a lot. clf;clc; x = -pi:pi/20:pi; h1=plot(x,sin(x)); hold on; ix=randperm(numel(x)); ix=ix(1:10); y=sin(x); line(x(ix),y(ix),... 'marker',mkn,... 'markersize',10,... 'markerfacecolor',[1,1,0],... 'linestyle','none'); str='sin_x'; lh = legend(h1,str,2); set(lh,'Interpreter','none'); %% add point [x(ix),y(ix)] in the curve. ch=findall(lh,'type','line'); %::::::::::::::::::::::::question1 % ch(1) and ch(2) represent what? xp=get(ch,'xdata'); xp=xp{1}; yp=get(ch,'ydata'); yp=yp{1}; line(xp,yp,... 'parent',lh,... 'marker',mkn,... 'markersize',10,... 'markerfacecolor',[1,1,0],... 'linestyle','none'); hold on; %% [legh1,objh1,ploth1,textstrs1]=legend; set(objh1(1),'string','teststring'); set(objh1(2),'color','g'); set(objh1(3),'color','r'); %::::::::::::::::::::::::question2 %how to change the symbol * into red? And what does objh1(3) represent? h2=plot(x,cos(x),'-ro'); newstr='cos_x'; lh = legend([h1;h2],str,newstr,2); %::::::::::::::::::::::::question3 %after update the legend,the symbol * disappears. %if first plot(x,cos(x),'-ro'),then plot(x,sin(x)) and added points [x(ix),y(ix)], %the symbol o of legend still remains,why? %::::::::::::::::::::::::question4 %any easier method to add new contents in a legend?or add multi-legend for one %image? [legh,objh2,ploth,textstrs]=legend; set(lh,'Interpreter','none'); set(objh2(6),'color','g');
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