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From: Gumah on 14 Apr 2010 00:31 Hi all.. I am working with word segmentation. I need to increase the space between words in binary image .. to do so I am thinking of adding a column of 0 pixels whenever 0 pixels is exist in the binary image.. any one know how to do that??
From: ImageAnalyst on 14 Apr 2010 06:24 On Apr 14, 12:31 am, Gumah <alrjele2...(a)> wrote: > Hi all.. I am working with word segmentation. I need to increase the > space between words in binary image .. to do so I am thinking of > adding a column of 0 pixels whenever 0 pixels is exist in the binary > image.. any one know how to do that?? ------------------------------------------------------------ Something like this (untested) b = [a(1:col, :) zeros(size(a, 1), numColsToInsert) a(col+1, :)] where col is the last row, just before the column where you want to insert a column Though I'm not sure why this is necessary. Perhaps you can post your image and explain why it's needed.
From: M Ladderman on 14 Apr 2010 07:22 This can also be handy to use with imclearborder() because sometimes you can only want to remove one part of the border for example sizeBinary=size(FinalBinary); sizeBinary=sizeBinary(:,1); zero=zeros([sizeBinary 5],'double'); FinalBinary=[FinalBinary zero]; figure, imshow(FinalBinary); FinalBinary = imclearborder(FinalBinary, 26); ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <3a2ccf11-ba20-4c4f-b583-393328f701d1(a)>... > On Apr 14, 12:31 am, Gumah <alrjele2...(a)> wrote: > > Hi all.. I am working with word segmentation. I need to increase the > > space between words in binary image .. to do so I am thinking of > > adding a column of 0 pixels whenever 0 pixels is exist in the binary > > image.. any one know how to do that?? > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Something like this (untested) > b = [a(1:col, :) zeros(size(a, 1), numColsToInsert) a(col+1, :)] > where col is the last row, just before the column where you want to > insert a column > > Though I'm not sure why this is necessary. Perhaps you can post your > image and explain why it's needed.
From: Gumah on 14 Apr 2010 21:45 On Apr 14, 6:24 pm, ImageAnalyst <imageanal...(a)> wrote: > On Apr 14, 12:31 am, Gumah <alrjele2...(a)> wrote:> Hi all.. I am working with word segmentation. I need to increase the > > space between words in binary image .. to do so I am thinking of > > adding a column of 0 pixels whenever 0 pixels is exist in the binary > > image.. any one know how to do that?? > > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Something like this (untested) > b = [a(1:col, :) zeros(size(a, 1), numColsToInsert) a(col+1, :)] > where col is the last row, just before the column where you want to > insert a column > > Though I'm not sure why this is necessary. Perhaps you can post your > image and explain why it's needed. HI ImageAnalyst Thanks for your feedback .. Actually I am designing Matlab function that can segment handwritten text line into words .. my code could not some words due to overlapping because the space between some words is so narrow .. if I can maximize that space which contain at lest one column of 0 pixels for sure I think I will be able to do the segmentation.. I need to make a code that scan the binary image .. when ever 0 pixels column is fouded it will add one more 0 column .. waiting your commands !
From: ImageAnalyst on 14 Apr 2010 22:12 OK, I command you to sum your binary image along the rows. horizontalProfile = sum(binaryImage, 1); Now find where this is zero zeroIndexes = find(horizontalProfile == 0); that will tell you which columns are totally zero all the way up and down. Any index not listed in zeroIndexes will be where there is some handwriting in that column.
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