From: Btsuk on
Dear users!
Would like your assitance in bypassing some issues i currently face in operating the agesa using LV8.2
All was working fine until another Windows Upgrade killed my operations. Then I had to reinstall all the NI components including VISA. After that the PCI-GPIB (not NI) card which finally managed to work too as it required different GPIB-32.DLL type. Now finally when my VISA can locate the GPIB connected devices the Agilent devices do not want to work using agesa and agesg drivers. However the connectivity is there. I would like to find out what software links might be missing as it constantly give an Error:
 -1074130544 occurred at agesa
Possible reason(s):
Driver Status:  (Hex 0xBFFA1190) The session handle is not valid.
Thanks in advacne,