From: Pascal J. Bourguignon on
"Haris Bogdanovic" <fbogdanovic(a)> writes:

>> Yes: (defun l (x) (load x))
>> Then press: (l"file")RET
> I meant keyboard shortcut, sorry ?

I would check the documentation of Allegro CL Express Edition...

__Pascal Bourguignon__
From: His kennyness on
Haris Bogdanovi� wrote:
> Hi.
> I have allegro cl free express edition.
> How do I evaluate a whole file ?
> I see only incremental evaluation option
> which evaluates only one expression.

Look over on the file menu. Might be control-U from the keyboard, but
then again I have the editor option set to "emacs" so if you have not
done that your keychord might be different. It pops open a dialogue but
just hit return, it will be primed to load your file. There are two
options, IIRC, load or compile+load.

Even better, take a minute to learn how to create a project, then you
can save all open files, recompile changed ones, and run a test function
in one keychord.
