From: mr_unreliable on
From time-to-time people will ask here about a vbScript editor
which comes with "Intellisense" (the ms terminology for "hinting").
The usual response for those with unlimited software budgets is,
of course, Sapien's PrimalScript.

Just in case you haven't noticed it already, there is a freeware
"VBScript Editor with Intellisense" offered by Rajneesh Noonia
on the Code Project website:

The editor comes with complete source code in vb6 (which is good -
no hidden malware), but there is no compiled version of the code
and so you need the vb6 compiler to take advantage of it.
Interestingly, the editor compiles to an ocx, and so you could
use it with almost any language platform (with COM capability).

As best I can tell, the editor uses an object's typelib for hinting.
And apparently, there is no typelib provided for WScript itself,
although you could write one without too much trouble, or you could
just extract and modify the existing typelib embedded in WScript.

Also (nitpick, nitpick) it appears that Rajneesh is using an RTF
(rich-text) control for colorizing the code, and using the RTF
control usually turns out to be messy and slow. I would have
preferred to see the Scintilla control used (it is the basis for
many - if not most - syntax highlighting programmer's editors).

Anyway, fwiw, here is a free vbScript editor with "hinting",
which you may enjoy after a little work with your vb compiler.
(I hesitate to use "Intellisense" because I believe that is
a ms copywrited term). And if you want "hinting" for the
vbScript language itself or WScript, then some additional
work is required.

cheers, jw