From: NT on
On Aug 27, 2:12 pm, daytripper <day_tri...(a)> wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:02:11 -0700 (PDT), NT <meow2...(a)> wrote:
> >On Aug 25, 2:51 pm, daytripper <day_tri...(a)> wrote:
> >> On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 04:26:41 -0400, Paul <nos...(a)> wrote:
> >> [...]>I notice arstech also mentions powering, and I notice in the pinout
> >> >for the ISA connector, there is a pin available for -5V. On modern ATX
> >> >power supplies, -5V has been removed, and you'd find one pin on
> >> >the ATX connector that is not being used. That would be where the
> >> >-5V used to be. Now, there isn't a strong reason to be using
> >> >that rail. It might be convenient for something like wiring up ECL
> >> >chips. Or perhaps some of the really old DRAM technologies. So that might
> >> >be an item to check as well.
> >> [...]
> >> Back in the day, the -5V was often used in UARTs. If the OP's custom card is
> >> *that* old and relies on serial communication devices that are not single,
> >> positive input voltage, that could be a problem requiring resolution....
> >... not too hard to provide the -5v from a regulated wallwart though,
> >if necessary
> Well, other than cobbling up some way to connect that wall-wart to the
> internally located card, there's also the potential problem of power rail
> sequencing during power-up/power-off cycles, if any of the multi-voltage parts
> are sequence-sensitive...
> Cheers

You could use the built in pc psu to control the -5v reg.

From: Yousuf Khan on
Dan Lenski wrote:
> And that's it... basically only one vendor, and only one processor
> family supported. I haven't found any others that support AMD
> processors at all. No Socket AM2/AM2+/AM3/F. Does anyone know of any
> motherboards for modern AMD processors that have ISA slots? Is there
> any technical impediment to producing one... such as lack of chipset
> support?

I'd say no, there may not be a technical impediment to building one,
just a marketing impediment. Since AMD's marketshare is smaller than
Intel's, the diversity in motherboard featureset is smaller too.

Yousuf Khan
From: daytripper on
On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 19:33:58 -0400, Yousuf Khan <bbbl67(a)> wrote:

>Dan Lenski wrote:
>> And that's it... basically only one vendor, and only one processor
>> family supported. I haven't found any others that support AMD
>> processors at all. No Socket AM2/AM2+/AM3/F. Does anyone know of any
>> motherboards for modern AMD processors that have ISA slots? Is there
>> any technical impediment to producing one... such as lack of chipset
>> support?
>I'd say no, there may not be a technical impediment to building one,
>just a marketing impediment. Since AMD's marketshare is smaller than
>Intel's, the diversity in motherboard featureset is smaller too.
> Yousuf Khan

Well, ok, but what difference does it make when the demand is virtually zero?

From: Yousuf Khan on
daytripper wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 19:33:58 -0400, Yousuf Khan <bbbl67(a)> wrote:
>> I'd say no, there may not be a technical impediment to building one,
>> just a marketing impediment. Since AMD's marketshare is smaller than
>> Intel's, the diversity in motherboard featureset is smaller too.
>> Yousuf Khan
> Well, ok, but what difference does it make when the demand is virtually zero?
> Cheers

Well, that's exactly the point, when the demand is nearly zero, the
demand is closer to zero for AMD boards than it would be for Intel boards.

Yousuf Khan