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From: skywalker skywalker on 13 Apr 2010 14:01 Hi, I have a concern on how to get around with reading the CSV file that some of the fields having comma. When I open up the csv file in notepad, i can see that it will be auto- wrapped by double quote for example: Sandy,"123 Kent St 5,",New York there is comma value in "123 Kent St 5," My asp code is currently using: arrUpload = split(trim(objTextFileGet.readline),",",-1,1) and it will read following arrUpload(0) = Sandy arrUpload(1) = "123 Kent St 5 arrUpload(2) = " arrUpload(3) = New York where in fact, I would like it to read: arrUpload(0) = Sandy arrUpload(1) = 123 Kent St 5, arrUpload(2) = New York How can I change the split function or any better idea? Thanks a lot. Regards, Sky
From: Evertjan. on 13 Apr 2010 16:50
skywalker skywalker wrote on 13 apr 2010 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general: > I have a concern on how to get around with reading the CSV file that > some of the fields having comma. > > When I open up the csv file in notepad, i can see that it will be auto- > wrapped by double quote > for example: > > Sandy,"123 Kent St 5,",New York > > there is comma value in "123 Kent St 5," > > My asp code is currently using: > arrUpload = split(trim(objTextFileGet.readline),",",-1,1) This is not ASP code, as there is no ASP code, ASP JUST being a platform. This is VBscript code. [..] > How can I change the split function or any better idea? You cannot change the VBscript split function, as it is an internal function. You cannot change any better idea. You could just parse the string character by character. String parsing like this goes a long way back in many flavours of Basic and other ancient script languages. ============================================ dim arr(100) strCsv = "Sandy,""123 Kent St 5,"",New York" n = 0 quoted = false while not strCsv = "" char = left(strCsv,1) strCsv = mid(strCsv,2) if char = "," and not quoted then n=n+1 arr(n) = "" elseif char = """" and not quoted then quoted = true elseif char = """" and quoted then quoted = false else arr(n) = arr(n) & char end if wend for i=0 to n response.write "arr("&i&") = " & arr(i) & "<br>" next =========================================== returning: arr(0) = Sandy arr(1) = 123 Kent St 5, arr(2) = New York -- Evertjan. The Netherlands. (Please change the x'es to dots in my emailaddress) |