From: brian duffy on
hi all !!

i need to have an auto number in a new table but i need the auto
number to start from a certain number not zero.
how can i do this ??? any help would be appreciated !

From: Allen Browne on
Set AutoNumbers to start from ...

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Tips for Access users -
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

"brian duffy" <brian.bdit(a)> wrote in message
> hi all !!
> i need to have an auto number in a new table but i need the auto
> number to start from a certain number not zero.
> how can i do this ??? any help would be appreciated !
> thanks

From: MikeR on
brian duffy wrote:
> hi all !!
> i need to have an auto number in a new table but i need the auto
> number to start from a certain number not zero.
> how can i do this ??? any help would be appreciated !
> thanks

It sounds like you are planning to use the autonumber for something other than a
unique ID. If so, that's a mistake. Autonumbers are not guaranteed to be sequential,
aren't meant for human consumption, nor should they be manipulated.
