From: Infoservice on
i have a bBrowser with a field with this option:

oColonna:ViewValueAs := #ComboBox
oColonna:ValueTransformList := SELF:aEse

This display a list of value.

The seek text in this combobox is different from the seek of Vo combobox,
because the search stop on the first character and not apply the incremental
It's a bug? It's normal? There is a solution?
Many thanks for any suggestion.


From: Joachim Bieler on
Hello Francesco,

in your case the bBrowser creates a ComboBox of the type BOXDROPDOWNLIST. To get a ComboBox of the
type BOXDROPDOWN, you must create the ComboBox. The following code shows the proceeding:

method CellEdit(oEvent) class myDataWindow
local oCell as bCell
local oColumn as bDataColumn

// check the EditMode
if oEvent:EditMode = BEDIT_CREATE
// determine the column
oCell := oEvent:EditCell
oColumn := oEvent:Control:GetOpenColumn(oCell:Column)

// check the field name of the column
if oColumn:FieldSym = ...
// create the edit control
oEvent:EditControl := oEvent:Control:EditCreate(oCell:Column,;
return NIL

Joachim Bieler

Infoservice schrieb:
> Hi,
> i have a bBrowser with a field with this option:
> oColonna:ViewValueAs := #ComboBox
> oColonna:ValueTransformList := SELF:aEse
> This display a list of value.
> The seek text in this combobox is different from the seek of Vo combobox,
> because the search stop on the first character and not apply the incremental
> seek.
> It's a bug? It's normal? There is a solution?
> Many thanks for any suggestion.
> Francesco