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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 27 Jun 2010 02:36 It maybe my bad luck that the circumference of Earth just fits almost perfectly band strips circumference and the formula 40,000 km x 40,000 / 5,000 sec to give the speed of light. But in another evaluation, it maybe my good luck that Earth fits the numbers almost perfectly, in order to explore this pattern. I was hoping to find a factor to make it also true for different size circumferences such as for Mars or Moon. No luck here. I am thus having to backtrack. I like the idea that light is constructing the geometry of the object, so that a single light wave builds the surface of Earth in 40,000km x 40,000 / 5,000 seconds. Now I can change units of measure such as in miles/second and it will still work, but if I change different sizes of circumference the scheme falls apart. Unless, however, there is only one circumference size that matters in all the Universe and every other circumference size is irrelevant. Now it is not going to be the Earth circumference, but something very fundamental such as perhaps the circumference of the 5f orbital. For instance, instead of Earth, the radius outward from the nucleus to the 5f orbital of plutonium. The Bohr radius is about 10^-11m, so is the radius out to the 5f in plutonium on the order of 10^-9 meter? Then a formula such as N x N / (1/8N) could work. And here the negative exponent is reversed out of symmetry. So that we get a speed of light as 3 x 10^-9 m/s and we take the inverse. Unless I can wrestle my way out of this, I will have no pure math derivation of speed of light. The idea that the speed of light as a construction of geometry of something fundamental as the light wave travels up and down each strip, so the number of revolutions around something, building and constructing that something in a second of time is a mighty tempting goal. If it does not pan out, then I have to admit defeat on this project. But I am optimistic and I think the idea of light as a builder of the geometry is a very good idea. It enhances the idea that light is a disturbance in the EM field. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |