From: yawnmoth on
From <>:

1. C generates a random number x (1 < x < q) and computes
e = g^x mod p. C sends e to S.

I set x to 2 and get a "bad client public DH value" error from the
server. Since 1 < 2 and 2 < q it doesn't seem like I should be
getting that error?
From: Peter Pearson on
On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:32:34 -0700 (PDT), yawnmoth <terra1024(a)> wrote:
> From <>:
> 1. C generates a random number x (1 < x < q) and computes
> e = g^x mod p. C sends e to S.
> I set x to 2 and get a "bad client public DH value" error from the
> server. Since 1 < 2 and 2 < q it doesn't seem like I should be
> getting that error?

Your question is reasonable (and already answered by another), but
it is amusing to observe that you disobeyed the recipe (by using
a nonrandom x) and your disobedience was correctly detected.

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