From: Gladys on
Hi, I want to calculate color histogram base on the output image data
from CMOS sensor. The output of the sensor core is a 12-bit parallel
pixel data stream in RGB bayer pattern.the histogram calculation aims
to determine the explosion time of sensor. Here I have a question, the
colors are alternatively discrived as
the 12 bits value only represents the brightness level, how can I know
what colors is the pixel? for example pixel(100,11).
Thanks for your response.

From: ImageAnalyst on
How is your data represented in MATLAB? Did you get the raw data from
the camera? If so, how raw? Did you get it before it was even
demosaiced? Or has it been demosaiced already? (I hope you know what
that means, Google it if not.) Either way, once it's in MATLAB, you
need to whow which elements of your array correspond to which color.