From: Murray Eisenberg on
There are two keys here. First, the official definition of Map, said
briefly (in response to evaluating ?Map) is, "Map[f, expr] ... applies f
to each element on the first level in expr."

Second, the FullForm of expressions, which can show you what the
"elements" are at various "levels". Look, first at a + b + c:

FullForm[a + b + c]
Plus[a, b, c]

{Part[a + b + c, 1], Part[a + b + c, 2], Part[a + b + c, 3]}
{a, b, c}

So when you Map Function[x,x^2] onto a + b + c, what it's doing is to
evaluate that expression at each of the three parts a, b, c,
respectively and stick the results back in place of a, b, c,
respectively, in the whole expression:

Plus[a^2, b^2, c2]
a^2 + b^2 + c^2

Which is what you obtained.

Now look at the object a:

Part[a, 1]
(* you get an error message along with the input you gave returned
unevaluated -- but in the abbreviated form: *)

Thus the object a does not have any parts at level 1, so Map does
nothing to it, and the result is just the original object a.

Map[Function[x,x^2], a]

On the other hand:


Part[{a}, 1]

Map[Function[x,x^2], {a}]

Hope this helps.

On 4/12/2010 6:53 AM, AK wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a fairly seasoned user of another system who's just started using
> Mathematica. Although at the moment I'm just playing around with
> Mathematica (without any specific task at hand), trying to figure out
> the Mathematica way of doing things from the documentation
> (particularly the examples) there are some things I can't seem to wrap
> my head around. For example, can anyone explain the outputs for the
> inputs below:
> In[1]:= Map[Function[x, x^2], a]
> Out[1]:= a
> In[2]:=Map[Function[x, x^2], a + b + c]
> Out[2]:= a^2 + b^2 + c^2
> If I enclose the second argument of Map[] inside a list, I get the
> expected output, but I don't understand what the operations given in
> the example above represent and why the outputs are what they are.
> Would appreciate an explanation for what's going here... thank you in
> advance.

Murray Eisenberg murray(a)
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts 413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street fax 413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

From: telefunkenvf14 on
On Apr 12, 5:48 am, AK <aaa...(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a fairly seasoned user of another system who's just started using
> Mathematica. Although at the moment I'm just playing around with
> Mathematica (without any specific task at hand), trying to figure out
> the Mathematica way of doing things from the documentation
> (particularly the examples) there are some things I can't seem to wrap
> my head around. For example, can anyone explain the outputs for the
> inputs below:
> In[1]:= Map[Function[x, x^2], a]
> Out[1]:= a
> In[2]:=Map[Function[x, x^2], a + b + c]
> Out[2]:= a^2 + b^2 + c^2
> If I enclose the second argument of Map[] inside a list, I get the
> expected output, but I don't understand what the operations given in
> the example above represent and why the outputs are what they are.
> Would appreciate an explanation for what's going here... thank you in
> advance.

Pure functions are easier to understand using the following notation,
where the #1 stands for the first variable in your function.
Evaluating it just returns the same thing.

In[1]:= #1^2&
Out[1]= #1^2&

If you want to apply the pure function to 'a', one way to do this is:

In[2]:= #1^2&[a]
Out[2]= a^2

Note that if I add another variable, I get the same thing:

In[3]:= #1^2&[a,b]
Out[3]= a^2

Map[] can also be used to apply the pure function. (Note: (1)
Mathematica applies Map at level 1, by default. (2) Most people use
the /@ notation rather than wrapping with Map[] all the time.)

In[4]:= #1^2&/@{a}
Out[4]= {a^2}

Also note that the following:

In[5]:= #1^2&/@(a)
Out[5]= a

And for your second example, I'm not sure if you wanted:

In[6]:= #^2&/@(a+b+c)
Out[6]= a^2+b^2+c^2


In[7]:= #^2&/@{a+b+c}
Out[7]= {(a+b+c)^2}

I'm sure someone else will chime in with a better/clearer answer and a
lecture on levels of expressions in Mathematica...


From: Bill Rowe on
On 4/12/10 at 6:53 AM, aaarbk(a) (AK) wrote:

>I'm a fairly seasoned user of another system who's just started
>using Mathematica. Although at the moment I'm just playing around
>with Mathematica (without any specific task at hand), trying to
>figure out the Mathematica way of doing things from the
>documentation (particularly the examples) there are some things I
>can't seem to wrap my head around. For example, can anyone explain
>the outputs for the inputs below:

>In[1]:= Map[Function[x, x^2], a]
>Out[1]:= a

By default, Map works at level 1. A symbol with nothing assigned
to it has no level 1. You could have gotten the output you were
expecting by telling Map to work at level 0 which refers to the
entire expression. That is:

In[11]:= Map[Function[x, x^2], a, {0}]

Out[11]= a^2

>In[2]:=Map[Function[x, x^2], a + b + c]
>Out[2]:= a^2 + b^2 + c^2

This works since the expression a + b + c has a level 1.

>If I enclose the second argument of Map[] inside a list,

By doing that you create a level 1.

>I get the expected output, but I don't understand what the operations
>given in the example above represent and why the outputs are what they
>are. Would appreciate an explanation for what's going here...

For more detail see


From: Bob Hanlon on

a is an atom there is nothing to Map onto. Use

Function[x, x^2][a]


Map applies the function to each element on the first level of expression:

{a} // FullForm


Map[Function[x, x^2], {a}] ==
List[Function[x, x^2][a]]


a + b + c // FullForm


Map[Function[x, x^2], a + b + c] ==
Function[x, x^2][a],
Function[x, x^2][b],
Function[x, x^2][c]]


Bob Hanlon

---- AK <aaarbk(a)> wrote:


I'm a fairly seasoned user of another system who's just started using
Mathematica. Although at the moment I'm just playing around with
Mathematica (without any specific task at hand), trying to figure out
the Mathematica way of doing things from the documentation
(particularly the examples) there are some things I can't seem to wrap
my head around. For example, can anyone explain the outputs for the
inputs below:
In[1]:= Map[Function[x, x^2], a]
Out[1]:= a
In[2]:=Map[Function[x, x^2], a + b + c]
Out[2]:= a^2 + b^2 + c^2

If I enclose the second argument of Map[] inside a list, I get the
expected output, but I don't understand what the operations given in
the example above represent and why the outputs are what they are.
Would appreciate an explanation for what's going here... thank you in

From: Albert Retey on
Am 12.04.2010 12:48, schrieb AK:
> Hi,
> I'm a fairly seasoned user of another system who's just started using
> Mathematica. Although at the moment I'm just playing around with
> Mathematica (without any specific task at hand), trying to figure out
> the Mathematica way of doing things from the documentation
> (particularly the examples) there are some things I can't seem to wrap
> my head around. For example, can anyone explain the outputs for the
> inputs below:
> In[1]:= Map[Function[x, x^2], a]
> Out[1]:= a
> In[2]:=Map[Function[x, x^2], a + b + c]
> Out[2]:= a^2 + b^2 + c^2
> If I enclose the second argument of Map[] inside a list, I get the
> expected output, but I don't understand what the operations given in
> the example above represent and why the outputs are what they are.
> Would appreciate an explanation for what's going here... thank you in
> advance.

I think this is probably one of the remarkable differences between
mathematica and most other systems: "Everything is an expression" and
there is no difference between a List and a sum of terms, one is an
expression with head List and a variable number of arguments, the other
an expression with head Plus and also a variable number of arguments.
Map will work on both. On the other hand the symbols a is an "Atom", its
Head is symbol and it cannot have arguments, so Map will not work for
it. This is also working for user defined symbols:


If you have experience with other systems, but are new to mathematica
and are primarily interested in the difference to other comparable
systems I think reading the tutorials at the bottom of the page


in the documentation center will be a good starting point. For the next
step I would suggest everything in




which will reveal the next important difference IMO: the whole
evaluation process is just rewritting an expression by applying rules
that have been defined with = (Set) or := (SetDelayed).

