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From: vijaya on 3 May 2010 02:18 i don't want to measure all the types of blur separately.. i just want to know the total amount of blur impairment.. Until today, do u have any methods for it?.. if v need to have some assumption, then what are all they?.. if it is possible to do, then explain me with base.. likewise if u have the material regarding my question just send me... hopefully waiting for ur reply.. Thanks, vijay
From: ImageAnalyst on 3 May 2010 06:29
vijay: If you have some known points or edges in your scene and then you have their blurred versions, you can possibly get the point spread function or modulation transfer function and then try to inverse filter it out to restore your image, but this is often times unnecessary and there are ways to sharpen images without knowing the true PSF or MTF. Do you have known point sources in your scene? |