From: Riccardo Maffei on
Hi to everybody.
We suppose to have three balls of center C1, C2, C3 with different rays R1,
and different masses m1, m2,m3.
Is v1,v2,v3 the initial speeds.
The motion happens on a straight line.

C1 C2 C3

Instantly t=0 the balls are to contact with given speed.
You asks the speeds after the bump.
How to do?

From: us on
"Riccardo Maffei" <rmaffei(a)> wrote in message <4bbb22a4$0$828$4fafbaef(a)>...
> Hi to everybody.
> We suppose to have three balls of center C1, C2, C3 with different rays R1,
> R2,R3
> and different masses m1, m2,m3.
> Is v1,v2,v3 the initial speeds.
> The motion happens on a straight line.
> O O O
> ------------------------------------------------
> C1 C2 C3
> Instantly t=0 the balls are to contact with given speed.
> You asks the speeds after the bump.
> How to do?

what have YOU done so far to solve YOUR particular (homework) problem...

From: Riccardo Maffei on
I have resolved the problem for a succession of increasing or decreasing
How to do for any speed?
Excuse for the non perfect English.