From: Vladimir Zdorovenin on 18 May 2010 11:23 I am trying to estimate the conditional moments in an EGARCH model, but I am confused by the discrepancy between the simulated and analytical results that I get for mean and variance. First, I estimate an EGARCH(2,1) model: [GARCHCoeff,Errors,LLF,e,s,Summary] = garchfit(Spec, SampleR); Then I use garchpred() to forecast mean and variance analytically for T periods ahead: [SigmaForecast,MeanForecast,SigmaTotal] = garchpred(GARCHCoeff,SampleR, T); Since I estimate the model over log-returns, I calculate the T-period mean and variance as: m = sum(MeanForecast); s2 = SigmaTotal(end)^2; Then I simulate 50 000 return's paths over T periods to estimate the higher moments of the conditional T-periods returns: [eSim,sSim,RSim0] = garchsim(GARCHCoeff, 50000, T, [], [], [], e,s,SampleR); RSim = sum(RSim0,2); % sum over 1-period returns to get T-days returns I presume that since I condition over the same data, I should get the same results (approximately) for mean and variance of the T-periods returns calculated as: m_sim = mean(RSim); s2_sim = var(RSim); However, there is a substatial difference between the analytical and simulated results that is consistent over different sets of data SampleR. Where am I wrong here? Is there anything that I am missing out here?
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