From: aarho on 2 Dec 2009 15:03 I perform a lot of tests that involve changing changing an element during the run and observing the effects over time and it would be extremely useful if I could create a trendline that covered only the desired range of data, rather than spanning the entire chart, without having to go in, find the data range and plot it in a chart of its own. Is there any way to do this? I'm currently using Office 2003.
From: Bernard Liengme on 2 Dec 2009 16:27 Let's say the dates are in column A, the y-values in B In column C type a 1 next to the cells you want plotted In D2 (I will assume the first row has headers) , enter =IF(D2=1,B2,NA()) Now select all the D data and copy it; click on the chart, use Edit | Paste Special to copy the data as a New Series Now format the new seresi to have the came colours etc as the original series Add a trend line to the new series You can now change the data in C to get trendlines for other regions best wishes -- Bernard Liengme Microsoft Excel MVP "aarho" <aarho(a)> wrote in message news:DE3E3198-BD07-4589-9D24-8FA12692B965(a) > I perform a lot of tests that involve changing changing an element during > the > run and observing the effects over time and it would be extremely useful > if I > could create a trendline that covered only the desired range of data, > rather > than spanning the entire chart, without having to go in, find the data > range > and plot it in a chart of its own. Is there any way to do this? > > I'm currently using Office 2003.
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