From: MR SHIBI SHIBI on 9 Jun 2010 18:38 the following is cinda of floodfill algorithm only instaed of paint pixel it save thier indexes i am looking for a way to make it run faster function P=floodfill(img,x,y,tolerance,target) % input: img for an grayscale image % x,y point in the image;(check it) % tolerance is % target is the pixel value usualy x,y value % ouput: set of point that where fill res=zeros(20000,2); %the final result is inserted here q=zeros(40000,2); %temporrey queue count=1; sz=size(img); zom=zeros(sz(1),sz(2)); %matrix that saves pixel alradey checked i=1; j=2; q(1,1)=x; q(1,2)=y; while((j-i)>0) if((abs(img(q(i,1),q(i,2))-target))<tolerance) res(count,1)=q(i,1); res(count,2)=q(i,2); count=count+1; if(count>=size(res,1)) %growing the space sz=size(res); tmp=zeros(sz(1)+20000,2); tmp(1:sz(1),1)=res(:,1); tmp(1:sz(1),2)=res(:,2); res=tmp; end if(j+4>=40000) tmp=zeros(40000,2);%copy the data for k=1:((j-i)) tmp(k,1)=q(i+k-1,1); tmp(k,2)=q(i+k-1,2); end q=tmp; j=((j-i)+1); i=1; end %the following insert new pixel into the checking queue->q if(q(i,1)+1<size(img,1)) if(zom(q(i,1)+1,q(i,2))==0) zom(q(i,1)+1,q(i,2))=1; q(j,1)=q(i,1)+1; q(j,2)=q(i,2); j=j+1; end end if(q(i,1)-1>0) if(zom(q(i,1)-1,q(i,2))==0) zom(q(i,1)-1,q(i,2))=1; q(j,1)=q(i,1)-1; q(j,2)=q(i,2); j=j+1; end end if(q(i,2)+1<size(img,2)) if(zom(q(i,1),q(i,2)+1)==0) zom(q(i,1),q(i,2)+1)=1; q(j,1)=q(i,1); q(j,2)=q(i,2)+1; j=j+1; end end if(q(i,2)-1>0) if(zom(q(i,1),q(i,2)-1)==0) zom(q(i,1),q(i,2)-1)=1; q(j,1)=q(i,1); q(j,2)=q(i,2)-1; j=j+1; end end end i=i+1; end count=count-1; i=res(1:count,1); j=res(1:count,2); P=[i j]; thnk
From: Darren Rowland on 9 Jun 2010 21:49 I didn't take a good look at your code but it does seem quite messy. It might be better if you start with a working flood-fill procedure and modify it for what you want. The following code comes from the "Writing Fast Matlab Code" guide by Pascal Getreuer on the FEX. Hth, Darren function I = flood2(I,c,x,y) % Flood fills image I from point (x,y) with color c. LastFlood = zeros(size(I)); Flood = LastFlood; Flood(y,x) = 1; Mask = (I == I(y,x)); FloodFilter = [0,1,0; 1,1,1; 0,1,0]; while any(LastFlood(:) ˜= Flood(:)) LastFlood = Flood; Flood = conv2(Flood,FloodFilter,'same') & Mask; end I(find(Flood)) = c;
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