From: terry433iid on
I have a JSP that processes some html form (processForm.JSP) and then
forwards to a Java Servlelt that carries out some mysql transactions
to do error checking (under 'project->Source Packages' I have a new
package called 'foo', servlet is

processForm.jsp contains the following lines :-

<% if (formHandler.validate()) {
jsp:forward page="/DBHandler" />

I have updated web.xml with the name and location of the DBHandler

When I compile/deploy/run in netbeans - my web application falls over,
in firefox I get a very brief error (HTTP 404 - the requested resource
() is not available), I get nothing in the netbeans glassfish console.

I have placed some System.out.println to help me debug the sequence of
events, and I can see that is never called

Can some one please point out what exactly should the syntax be for
forwarding from JSP->servlet (i.e. the JSP forward syntax), should
there be '/' or not?? does web.xml take care of the mapping from name -
> location??

any help appreciated
From: MikisM on
For starters: 'jsp:forward page="/DBHandler" />' should start with '<'
so you should have written like '<jsp:forward page="/DBHandler"/
>' (although I believe you just have'nt copied that symbol from you
code). Apart from that, all your jsp:forward syntax is correct.
From the error it would seem that your servlet is not accessible which
is caused by the wrong <servlet-mapping/> element for your servlet (I
guess). You should check it out. Just to be sure you could post
<servlet/> and <servlet-mapping/> contents from web.xml file of the
servete that is troubling you. I will be able to tell you more about
the problem when you do that.
And yes. web.xml is where you put all your servlet mappings. You can
google about the topic: there are plenty of articles, tutorials and
forums that will help you.
From: Arne Vajhøj on
terry433iid(a) wrote:
> I have a JSP that processes some html form (processForm.JSP) and then
> forwards to a Java Servlelt that carries out some mysql transactions
> to do error checking (under 'project->Source Packages' I have a new
> package called 'foo', servlet is
> processForm.jsp contains the following lines :-
> <% if (formHandler.validate()) {
> %>
> jsp:forward page="/DBHandler" />
> I have updated web.xml with the name and location of the DBHandler
> (<servlet-class>foo.DBHandler</servlet-class>)
> When I compile/deploy/run in netbeans - my web application falls over,
> in firefox I get a very brief error (HTTP 404 - the requested resource
> () is not available), I get nothing in the netbeans glassfish console.
> I have placed some System.out.println to help me debug the sequence of
> events, and I can see that is never called
> Can some one please point out what exactly should the syntax be for
> forwarding from JSP->servlet (i.e. the JSP forward syntax), should
> there be '/' or not?? does web.xml take care of the mapping from name -
> location??

Is /DBHandler mapped to the servlet?

On the other hand I strongly recommend that you do it the other way
- form is posted to servlet
- servlet does validation and transaction
- servlet forward to JSP
