From: Bradley Remedios on
On Nov 22, 10:09 am, yoavrofe <yoavr...(a)> wrote:
> Please, anyone! Why does the OpenNetCF implementation works, but the
> System.IO does not? is there ant difference between them regarding
> opening the serial ports?

If you query the ports to find what are the valid portnames what does
it give you? How does that compare against what you are using?

You are using the names in the format COM1: when calling open with the
OpenNetCF but I believe that the Compact Framework actually uses COM1,
etc... which is different than you would use against the OpenNetCF and

The only time that we've had issues with Serial Ports and the Compact
Framework was a situation where the port was already open and in use
so not available to our application (and thus not really an issue with
the Compact Framework itself.)

Note: I've never used the OpenNetCF serial ports, only the Compact
Framework 2.0 classes.

Good Luck,