From: burkep on 2 Feb 2007 16:11 Hello, I have created a multipart message using cfmail and cfmailpart, there's a text part and an html part that includes inline images. The messages are being caught by our email antivirus (declude). The antivirus message states that the message contains "the [Outlook 'Space Gap' Vulnerability]" The vulnerability can be defined as: This vulnerability occurs when there is a space in one of the MIME headers where there is not normally a space (such as "Content-Type :" instead of "Content-Type:"). This is not RFC-compliant, but Outlook will treat it as valid and be able to see a virus that virus scanners will not usually see. There is no legitimate reason for an email to be formed like this. When I look at the source of the email message, it appears that coldfusion does the following to the mime headers: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="----=_Part_401935_27323735.1170444413143" I think the newline and tab before the boundry declaration are creating the problem. Any help would be much apprecitated. thanks.
From: burkep on 2 Feb 2007 20:28 Figured it out. There was a space in the file name of one of the inline images.:beer;
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