From: Federico on
Hi everybody.
I'm using "cg" methods to play avi file by means of a cogent/matlab script in order to show different movie to my subjects (it’s a behavioural study) recording responses and reaction time.

The core of the code I' m using is

%%%%open graphic window 1280 x 1024), 32 bit per pixel, the fastest refresh rate, on %%%primary monitor
cgopen (5,32,0,1)
%%%create a matrix MOV with a handle (1) to the avi file 'filename'
MOV=cgopenmovie (1,'filename.avi')
%%%%play the movie 1
cgplaymovie (1)

My problem is that I should put some "rest" period between the different videos, something as a black screen with a white plus or X sign in the centre for 500/1000 ms.
I try with a "classic"

preparestring ('+',n)
drawpict (n)

but it doesn't work, the '+' sign is displayed, but not on the same graphic window of the avi file, so that is totally useless for me.
Not only: the WAIT FOR command doesn't work at all for object (video) displayed in the graphic window opened by the CGOPEN command.
I will be grateful for any kind of help.