From: Manfred Doudar on

Hi All,

I am hoping somewhat might enlighten me as to what exactly is wrong
with the code snippet below, I can't see anything syntactically
wrong with it but GCC-4.03 is not happy; and the last thing I want is
blame the compiler.


#include "sbi_headers.h"
#include "NictaSmartPtr/shared_ptr.h"
#include "NictaSmartPtr/weak_ptr.h"
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

template < typename T
, template <typename Y_> class NodePtrType
, template <typename T_, typename A_ = std::allocator<T_> >
class SeqContainer = std::deque
, template <typename Y_> class SharedPtrType = nicta::shared_ptr
, template <typename Y_> class WeakPtrType = nicta::weak_ptr
, template < typename T_
, template <typename _Y> class NodePtrType_
, template <typename _T, typename _A =
std::allocator<_T> > class SeqContainer_
, template <typename _Y> class SharedPtrType_
, template <typename _Y> class WeakPtrType_
> class NodeContainer = nicta::ste::NodeStack
, typename Predicate = std::equal<typename NodeContainer< T
, NodePtrType
, SeqContainer
, SharedPtrType
, WeakPtrType

class seqcontainer_backinserter : boost::noncopyable
// ...


When compiling, the first of the errors are the following, (with the
remainder of errors trimmed off):

.../include/seqcontainer_backinserter_0.h:39: error: expected type-specifier
.../include/seqcontainer_backinserter_0.h:39: error: expected `>'

Where Line 39 is in the above, the following:

, typename Predicate = std::equal<typename NodeContainer< T

All help appreciated.

Manfred Doudar - Research Engineer
National ICT Australia - Canberra Research Lab |
Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering (RSISE)
The Australian National University - Canberra, ACT 0200 AUSTRALIA

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From: Greg Herlihy on
On Feb 5, 12:07 am, Manfred Doudar <manfred.dou...(a)>
> Hi All,
> I am hoping somewhat might enlighten me as to what exactly is wrong
> with the code snippet below, I can't see anything syntactically
> wrong with it but GCC-4.03 is not happy; and the last thing I want is
> blame the compiler.
> ...[incredibly complicated class template omitted]
> When compiling, the first of the errors are the following, (with the
> remainder of errors trimmed off):
> ../include/seqcontainer_backinserter_0.h:39: error: expected type-specifier
> ../include/seqcontainer_backinserter_0.h:39: error: expected `>'
> Where Line 39 is in the above, the following:
> , typename Predicate = std::equal<typename NodeContainer< T

I would say that this is one of those errors that just "leaps off of
the page." :-) There is of course no "std::equal" function object. No
doubt it's a typo for the "std::equal_to" function object - which does

If I may make a suggestion: I would re-evaluate whether this class
template really needs so many template parameters. (Even counting them
is tricky, I think I counted 11 - nearly all of them template template
parameters). The fact that so many of the arguments do have default
type arguments suggests that there may be an opportunity for
simplification here.


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