From: Richard Mueller on

Use "cmd /c" rather than "cmd /k". Once the script is working, you might
want to make the window hidden, by using the optional parameter set to 0
(watch line wrapping): "cmd /c CD C:\program files\bakbone software\netvault\util\ &
nvblankmedia -barcode " & arrMediaBlank(2), 0

Microsoft MVP Scripting and ADSI
Hilltop Lab -

"Nick B" <ntbritton(a)> wrote in message
> Using the below script it will leave windows open. One for each tape it
> blanks.
> How can i make it close the window?
> Const ForReading = 1
> Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\program files\bakbone software\"
> & _
> "netvault\scripts\testing\output.txt", ForReading)
> Wscript.Echo vbCrLf & "VS SVDL Blank Media"
> Do While objTextFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
> strLine = objtextFile.ReadLine
> If inStr(strLine, ",") Then
> arrMediaBlank = split(strLine, ",")
> Wscript.Echo vbCrLf & "medialabel: " & arrMediaBlank(0)
> Wscript.Echo "group: " & arrMediaBlank(1)
> Wscript.Echo "barcode: " & arrMediaBlank(2)
> Dim oShell
> Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
> strcmd = "cmd /K CD C:\program files\bakbone software\netvault\util\ &
> nvblankmedia -barcode " & arrMediaBlank(2)
> "cmd /K CD C:\program files\bakbone software\netvault\util\ &
> nvblankmedia -barcode " & arrMediaBlank(2)
> Set oShell = Nothing
> WScript.Echo strcmd
> i = i + 1
> End If
> Loop
> Wscript.Echo vbCrLf & "Number of Tapes Blanked: " & i
> --
> Nick
> "Nick B" wrote:
>> How can i use dos command line commands within a vbs script?
>> Situation.
>> I have a program that allows a command line interface. That allows for
>> reporting and teh execution of commands. I need to be able to read text
>> from
>> a CSV file or tab sepearted file and add that data to a commmand line
>> command
>> to execute commands for the application with out any intervention from an
>> operator.
>> so i basicly just need to know how to use dos command line commands
>> within a
>> vbs script.
>> Any ideas?
>> --
>> Nick