From: Kurt Sanger on
Posting again. Writing cmyk tif bitmaps using imwrite fails. Reading the file back with imread produces a different array. Reading the file back using Photoshop V7 produces the same different image. Using Matlab R2009A. Here is an example that produces the failure.

% Define a cmyk bitmap pattern on a 16 x 16 grid.
pattern = logical( zeros([16,16,4]));
% Set some bits on.
pattern(1,1,1) = true;
pattern(4,4,2) = true;
pattern(8,8,3) = true;
pattern(12,12,4) = true;
% Write the pattern to a tif file.
imwrite(pattern, 'pattern.tif', 'tiff', 'Compression', 'none', 'Resolution', [1200 1200]);