From: khalel on
hi everybody

i have a project for my pattern recognition course, and planning on
designing a system the recognizes defective bottles on a conveyor belt
with a low hue color background (Red).

based on:
1) white spots on the blue bottle (means that the bottle is defective)
2) bottle neck
3) bottle base color (white -> defective)

so please what do you guys think about this project

and also, what methods (classifiers,...etc) that could help me with
- color recognition
- measuring the bottle neck

thanks in advance
Khalel Dawod
From: ImageAnalyst on
Khalel Dawod
If the presence of white is all it takes to identify defective
product, then simply look for white. You can just adapt this code I
It's a trivial matter to change from detecting red (like I did) to
detecting white.

However, unless you have good control over the lighting, you will
likely have specular reflections (glints in the glass) that will cause
a lot of false positives. Why don't you post a photo?