From: Patrick Schneider on
"Marwa Helemish" <helemish(a)> wrote in message <gss0fi$igr$1(a)>...
> "Oliver Woodford" <o.j.woodford.98(a)> wrote in message <gskiuo$qdq$1(a)>...
> > "Marwa Helemish" wrote:
> > > Hallo,
> > > Thank you again for you quick reply,the log scale (trick label) of the 3D surf is not the same for color bar, this is the problem
> >
> > The colorbar colors and values (i.e. tick labels) coincide with the colors and Z values of the surface using the code from my first example. What more do you want? Please be as explicit as you can.
> Hallo,
> Many thanks, it works,
> thank you Oliver
> Regards
> Marwa


I have been unable to get your solution to work out for using a filled contour plot instead of a surf plot because the different inputs.

I have however figured out how to get the plots to work right using multiple axes.

It looks a bit screwy in the matlab figure, but the Jpg it generates looks fine. If anybody finds this thread and can help me clean it up a bit, I would appreciate it. I am new to using axes and handle lables, so I might be doing some unnecessary steps

% x data in x_scale, y data in y_scale and z data in z2
figure1 = figure('Name','fbw2');
% Create axes
axes1 = axes('Visible','off','Parent',figure1,'CLim',[min(z2) max(z2)]);
% Create axes
axes2 = axes('Parent',figure1,'Layer','top');

% Create contour
contour(x_scale,y_scale,log(z2),200,'LineStyle','none','LineColor',[0 0 0],...

% Create colorbar
cb1 = colorbar('peer',axes2,'YScale','log','YMinorTick','on','FontSize',14);

% Create colorbar
cb2 = colorbar('peer',axes1,'YScale','log','YMinorTick','on','FontSize',14);

axis tight

set(gca, 'FontSize',14)
