From: Matt Fig on
"arielon dada" <ariel_gold(a)> wrote in message
> thank you very much. ismember should have worked, but it seem that it doesn't work, for cell imported from xls.
> a=readxls(filename.xls)
> ismember(a(1,:),a(2,:))
> return a bunch of errors
> thank you very much

I am not familiar with readxls, but perhaps if you pasted the exact errors we could figure it out. Also paste the output from WHOS.
From: arielon dada on
"Matt Fig" <spamanon(a)> wrote in message <hiud2f$iuo$1(a)>...
> "arielon dada" <ariel_gold(a)> wrote in message
> > thank you very much. ismember should have worked, but it seem that it doesn't work, for cell imported from xls.
> > a=readxls(filename.xls)
> > ismember(a(1,:),a(2,:))
> > return a bunch of errors
> >
> > thank you very much
> I am not familiar with readxls, but perhaps if you pasted the exact errors we could figure it out. Also paste the output from WHOS.

Thank you very much:

this is the code:

close all
clear all
[num, txt] = xlsread('f:/brk_con_dual_word/dox_run_comments/stim_ana.xls');


ismember(cells1,cells2) %gives lots of errors

%I tried also with {}

This is the output (+whos):

Name Size Bytes Class Attributes

cells1 23x1 1560 cell
cells2 23x1 1594 cell
num 1x11 88 double
txt 23x11 16854 cell

??? Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Program
Files\MATLAB\R2009b\toolbox\matlab\datafun\sortrowsc.mexw32 is not
a valid Win32 application.


Error in ==> sortrows at 74
ndx = sortrowsc(x_sub, col);

Error in ==> unique at 193
[b,ndx] = sortrows(a);

Error in ==> ismember at 215
[au,am,an] = unique(a,'rows');

Error in ==> cell.ismember at 77
tfstep = ismember(char(a),char(s(chunk)),'rows');

Error in ==> Untitled2 at 10
ismember(cells1,cells2) %gives lots of errors

again thanks
From: Jan Simon on
Dear Ariel!

> ??? Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Program
> Files\MATLAB\R2009b\toolbox\matlab\datafun\sortrowsc.mexw32':
> C:\Program
> Files\MATLAB\R2009b\toolbox\matlab\datafun\sortrowsc.mexw32 is not
> a valid Win32 application.

This means a substantial problem. For any reason your file sortrowsc.mexw32 has been destroyed. Actually this file is installed with Matlab and never subject to changes. How could this happen?!?!

Although it is absolutely important to fix this problem, I mention another solution CStrAinBP:
This finds the indeces of strings which appear in both cell strings. Repetitions are considered and no sorting is performed.

But again: Good luck at fixing the 1st problem. Jan
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