From: Larry Serflaten on

"mp" <nospam(a)> wrote

> initially i thought i'd try a udt since there were only 3 properties and I
> thought since it was all private in the same class i wouldn't get the
> private/public compile error i get whenever I try to (mis-)use a udt.

If you can keep it all private, you should not see a problem.

EG: A UDT declared as Private in a class can be passed to
Private routines within the class.

> i have had almost no luck trying to use a simple udt if it has to be passed
> anywhere due to all the strange(to me) limitations (really the limitations
> of my knowledge)
> it's just always been easier to create a class instead than try to figure
> out what hoops to jump through to use a simpler(i would have thought)
> construct.

I find classes are the easier of the two as well. With a class you get to
include a (sort of) constructor, (more like initialization...) and can control
the Read/Write access of the variables.

Classes can be passed hither and yon, and you have the otpion to use
an array or collection, whichever fits the need.


From: Tom Shelton on
After serious thinking ralph wrote :
> On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 10:45:21 -0500, "mp" <nospam(a)> wrote:
>> more an observation than a question, but I welcome any discussion that
>> follows....
>> seems strange i can't define a private udt inside a private class and pass
>> it to private/or public proceedures inside the class itself.
>> compile error
>> Only user-defined types defined in public object modules can be coerced to
>> or from a variant or passed to late-bound functions
>> the error occurs because i tried to add a udt to a collection(thus casting
>> to variant)
>> 'Private Type tDims
>> ' DimStartPoint As Variant
>> ' DimEndPoint As Variant
>> ' DimTextOverride As String
>> 'End Type
>> 'Private Sub AddToDimsCollection(otDim As tDims)
>> mColDims.Add otDim
> You are sort of hammering on two separate problems.
> To answer the last one first - you can not store a UDT in a VB
> Collection.

Yes you can. It's all about how you define it - it needs to be in a
typelib. And the way you do that? You define it in a public class
module in an activex dll or exe.

' in a class1.cls in an activex dll (Instancing = MultiUse)

Public Type myType1
i As Integer
End Type

Public Sub Bar(ByRef z As myType1)
MsgBox z.i
End Sub

' form1 of a standard exe - referencing the above:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim coll As Collection
Dim st As myType1

Set coll = New Collection
st.i = 10
coll.Add st

MsgBox coll(1).i
End Sub

> One way to get around that is to write your own Collection based on an
> Array. You can store UDTs in VB Arrays.

I generally did that anyway. The collection object is sort of a hog...

> There are several examples on the web. Here is one to get you started.
> As for the first question - you need to declare/define the UDT in a
> Public Module. That means using a Public Base module, or Friend, or
> writing a Type Library for the UDT (the latter essentially serves as a
> "Public Module".
> Or you might consider combining your custom collection with an Object
> in an ActiveX Dll which you could use with your project.

If you define your type in a activex dll, then you can use the regular
collection object if you like. I prefer a custom collection usually
because I could make it faster anyway...

Tom Shelton

From: Kevin Provance on
: There are several examples on the web. Here is one to get you started.

Bryan, um...Spafford? There was a guy who knew his stuff. Ken Halter too.
Two names I miss around these parts.

From: ralph on
On Sat, 07 Aug 2010 18:37:22 -0600, Tom Shelton
<tom_shelton(a)comcast.invalid> wrote:

>After serious thinking ralph wrote :
>> On Sat, 7 Aug 2010 10:45:21 -0500, "mp" <nospam(a)> wrote:
>>> more an observation than a question, but I welcome any discussion that
>>> follows....
>>> seems strange i can't define a private udt inside a private class and pass
>>> it to private/or public proceedures inside the class itself.
>>> compile error
>>> Only user-defined types defined in public object modules can be coerced to
>>> or from a variant or passed to late-bound functions
>>> the error occurs because i tried to add a udt to a collection(thus casting
>>> to variant)
>>> 'Private Type tDims
>>> ' DimStartPoint As Variant
>>> ' DimEndPoint As Variant
>>> ' DimTextOverride As String
>>> 'End Type
>>> 'Private Sub AddToDimsCollection(otDim As tDims)
>>> mColDims.Add otDim
>> You are sort of hammering on two separate problems.
>> To answer the last one first - you can not store a UDT in a VB
>> Collection.
>Yes you can.

Not really. Or rather not in the way the OP was trying to do it as
demostrated or noted in the title.

The OP made it known he already knew where the problem was - "the
error is still trying to put the udt into a collection" and that is
because (like the error says) You can't coerce a UDT to Variant unless
it is defined in a Public Object, therefore he couldn't store the UDT
in a VB Collection. I expanded on that, but went back and deleted it
to make the post smaller, also unfortunately destroying the sense of
what I was trying to say.

> ... It's all about how you define it - it needs to be in a
>typelib. And the way you do that? You define it in a public class
>module in an activex dll or exe.

Ta Dah!

From: Larry Serflaten on

"ralph" <nt_consulting64(a)> wrote

> > ... It's all about how you define it - it needs to be in a
> >typelib. And the way you do that? You define it in a public class
> >module in an activex dll or exe.
> >
> Ta Dah!

.... more Registry refuse....


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