From: mpho on
Hi all,

This seems straightforward but gives this runtime error: terminate
called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' , what() :
std9bad_alloc . I have:

class X {
int sz;
T *ptr;

X(int s, T *p) : sz(s), ptr(new T[s])
assert(ptr != NULL);
for (int i = 0, i < sz; i++)
ptr[i] = p[i];

//other members

~X() { delete ptr; ptr = NULL; }

class Y {
X xobj

Y(int s, T *p) : xobj(s, p) { } //OK?
//other members
~Y() { } //OK?


int main(){

ar[10] = {ten values};
Y yobj(10, ar); //problem here(?)

What's the problem above?
Thank you.

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From: Michael Aaron Safyan on
mpho wrote:
> Hi all,
> This seems straightforward but gives this runtime error: terminate
> called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' , what() :
> std9bad_alloc . I have:
> X(int s, T *p) : sz(s), ptr(new T[s])
> ~X() { delete ptr; ptr = NULL; }
> What's the problem above?
> Thank you.

You have called "delete" on an array allocated with "new[]". Memory
allocated with "new[]" must be paired with "delete[]", not "delete".

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From: Geert-Jan Giezeman on
mpho wrote:
> Hi all,
> This seems straightforward but gives this runtime error: terminate
> called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' , what() :
> std9bad_alloc . I have:

There are several errors in your code which make that it does not
compile. There is also another error: you use array new in the
constructor, but do not use array delete in the destructor. Below is a
corrected version of your code. No runtime error occurs when I run it.
That said, I would use std::vector or tr1::array, rather than making
something like this myself.

#include <cassert> // added
typedef double T; // added

class X {
int sz;
T *ptr;

// added copy constructor and assignment operator, because
// default ones don't make sense.
X(X const &);
X& operator=(X const &);
X(int s, T *p) : sz(s), ptr(new T[s])
assert(ptr != 0);
// for (int i = 0, i < sz; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) // comma should be semicolon
ptr[i] = p[i];

//~X() { delete ptr; ptr = 0; }
~X() { delete [] ptr; ptr = 0; } // array delete needed

class Y {
X xobj; // semicolon added
Y(int s, T *p) : xobj(s, p) { }
~Y() { }

int main(){
T ar[10] = {0.3};
Y yobj(10, ar);

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From: Antoon on

"mpho" <tjabane(a)> schreef in bericht
> Hi all,
> This seems straightforward but gives this runtime error: terminate
> called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' , what() :
> std9bad_alloc . I have:
> class X {
> int sz;

sz can be negative: it's better to use size_t instead.

> T *ptr;
> public:
> X(int s, T *p) : sz(s), ptr(new T[s])
> {
> assert(ptr != NULL);
> for (int i = 0, i < sz; i++)
> ptr[i] = p[i];
> }
> //other members
> ~X() { delete ptr; ptr = NULL; }
This should be delete [] ptr;

> };
> class Y {
> X xobj
Missing ;

> public:
> Y(int s, T *p) : xobj(s, p) { } //OK?
> //other members
> ~Y() { } //OK?
> };
> then
> int main(){
> ar[10] = {ten values};
> Y yobj(10, ar); //problem here(?)
> ......
> .....
> }
> What's the problem above?
> Thank you.


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From: acehreli on
The following is not the code that's giving you trouble. It can't be
compiled. I tried compiling your code for five minutes, then gave up.

On Apr 16, 2:43 pm, mpho <tjab...(a)> wrote:
> This seems straightforward but gives this runtime error: terminate
> called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' , what() :
> std9bad_alloc .

std::bad_alloc is thrown when new cannot allocate the requested amount
of memory.

> I have:
> class X {
> int sz;
> T *ptr;
> public:
> X(int s, T *p) : sz(s), ptr(new T[s])
> {
> assert(ptr != NULL);

That assertion will always succeed, because new never returns NULL,
unless you explicitly request that behavior with 'nothrow' version of

ptr(new (std::nothrow) T[s])

> for (int i = 0, i < sz; i++)

Replace that comma with a semicolon.

> ptr[i] = p[i];
> }
> //other members
> ~X() { delete ptr; ptr = NULL; }

That's undefined behavior: you must use delete[] when you use new[].

Additionally, setting ptr to NULL is completely unnecessary, right?
The object is about to die. Who will ever reference ptr?

Surely, you did not give out the address of or a reference to it to
your callers...

> };
> class Y {
> X xobj

A semicolon missing.

> public:
> Y(int s, T *p) : xobj(s, p) { } //OK?

That's OK.

> //other members
> ~Y() { } //OK?

That's OK too.

> };
> then
> int main(){
> ar[10] = {ten values};
> Y yobj(10, ar); //problem here(?)

No, there is no problem there. The problem is in the code that you did
not show, including the definition of T.

Lastly, I recommend that you become familiar with the standard
containers like std::vector. You will notice that your resource
ownership headaches will vanish. :)


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