For a project i am doing, i need to connect a 1208FS component to MATLAB. i was able to connect. but i am yet to figure out how to send and recieve data. I have pasted below, my commands and the error i am stuck in. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

>> daqhwinfo('mcc')

ans =

AdaptorDllName: [1x64 char]
AdaptorDllVersion: '2.11 (R2007b)'
AdaptorName: 'mcc'
BoardNames: {'USB-1208FS'}
InstalledBoardIds: {'0'}
ObjectConstructorName: {1x3 cell}

>> ao = analogoutput('mcc')

Display Summary of Analog Output (AO) Object Using 'USB-1208FS'.

Output Parameters: 1000 samples per second on each channel.

Trigger Parameters: 1 'Immediate' trigger on START.

Engine status: Waiting for START.
0 total sec. of data currently queued for START.
0 samples currently queued by PUTDATA.
0 samples sent to output device since START.

AO object contains no channels.

>> ChannelOut = addchannel(ao,1)

Index: ChannelName: HwChannel: OutputRange: UnitsRange: Units:
1 '' 1 [0 4.096] [0 4.096] 'Volts'

>> data = sin(linspace(2*pi*500,8000));
>> putdata(ao,data')
>> ao

Display Summary of Analog Output (AO) Object Using 'USB-1208FS'.

Output Parameters: 1000 samples per second on each channel.

Trigger Parameters: 1 'Immediate' trigger on START.

Engine status: Waiting for START.
0.1 total sec. of data currently queued for START.
100 samples currently queued by PUTDATA.
0 samples sent to output device since START.

AO object contains channel(s):

Index: ChannelName: HwChannel: OutputRange: UnitsRange: Units:
1 '' 1 [0 4.096] [0 4.096] 'Volts'

>> start(ao)
??? MCC: Count must be integer multiple of packet size for Continuous mode
From: Sherryl Radbil on

This problem has been fixed in MATLAB release R2008a.
Please install R2008a or a later release.

All the best,