From: SSK K on 10 Jun 2010 10:43 I have time domain data of a signal. I want to see how does the frequency domain curve look how to convert the time domain data to freq data
From: Dave Robinson on 10 Jun 2010 13:14 "SSK K" <kunnal.sandesh(a)> wrote in message <huqtlp$867$1(a)>... > I have time domain data of a signal. I want to see how does the frequency domain curve look how to convert the time domain data to freq data help fft maybe Dave Robinson
From: Greg Heath on 11 Jun 2010 20:49 On Jun 10, 10:43 am, "SSK K" <kunnal.sand...(a)> wrote: > I have time domain data of a signal. I want to see how does the frequency domain curve look how to convert the time domain data to freq data help fft For N equispaced points of x sampled at Fs Hz (Square brackets indicate continuous time and frequency functions. Round brackets indicate discrete time and frequency functions): dt = 1/Fs % Time sample spacing t = dt*(0:N-1); % Sampling times t(n) = dt*(n-1), n = 1:N. x(1:N); % Sampled function values x(n) = x[t = t(n)] T = N*dt % Period of periodic reconstruction xr = ifft(fft(x)) % i.e., xr(n+N) = xr(n) corresponding to xr[t +T] = xr[t] X = fft(x); % Discrete Fourier Transform of x df = Fs/N % Frequency sample spacing (df = 1/T) f = df*(0:N-1); % Sampled frequencies f(n) = df*(n-1), n = 1:N. X(1:N); % Transform function values X(n) = X[f = f(n)] Fs = N*dt % Transform period (i.e., X[f+Fs] = X(f); % corresponding to X(n+N) = X(n); Xb = fftshift(X); % Bipolar frequency version defined over fb = f-df*ceil((N-1)/2); % fb = df*[-N/2 : N/2-1] for N even % fb = df*[-(N-1)/2 : (N-1)/2] for N odd figure(1) plot(t,x); figure(2) subplot(221) plot(fb,real(Xb)) subplot(222) plot(fb,imag(Xb)) subplot(223) plot(fb,abs(Xb)) subplot(224) plot(fb,angle(Xb)) Hope this helps. Greg
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