From: ImageAnalyst on
On your web site, you say "the only aim is to tell whether the taken
picture suits one of those templates or not.. "
Well if that's true then you certainly don't want to, or need to, do a
cross correlation. You simply need to binarize the image (of the
triangle, circle, or square) and calculate some measurements, such as
the perimeter^2/area ratio. Very easy. Each of the figures will have
a different value for that ratio. See my demo for an example.
From: Gül Begüm Semis on
I was going to do the project from perimeter^2/area however as far as i know an i foun don matlab help the only dunction to calctulate perimeter of an object is the bwperim functiom however it retursn a matrix result. i need a scalar result to be able to compute the ratio perim^2/area.
how can i obtain the scalar perimeter of an object?
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Feb 4, 2:32 am, "Gül Begüm Semis" <begumse...(a)> wrote:
> I was going to do the project from perimeter^2/area however as far as i know an i foun don matlab help the only dunction to calctulate perimeter of an object is the bwperim functiom however it retursn a matrix result. i need a scalar result to be able to compute the ratio perim^2/area.
> how can i obtain the scalar perimeter of an object?

It's one of the things regionprops() can compute.
Did you ever run the demo - it's in there!