From: Antonio Garcia-Martinez on 23 Feb 2010 21:08 firt I built a Matrix of syms with the instruction "jacobian" of matlab, syms XI XM XT XV dXIdt = -RI + EPS*RP*XI + (WI/XV) - (QE/XV)*XI; dXMdt = -RP + EPS*RP*XM + (QE/XV)*(XME - XM); dXTdt = BET*RM - GAM*(XT - TC) + (QE/XV)*(TE - XT)*(1 - EPS*XME)/(1 - ... EPS*XM); dXVdt = -EPS*RP*XV + QE - Q; dXdt = [dXIdt, dXMdt,dXTdt,dXVdt]; xE=[XI,XM,XT,XV]; dAm=jacobian(dXdt,xE); then I try to eval the matrix defining the syms vars XI= 0.002001;XM = 0.993302;XT = 314.6209;XV=2000;Q = 39.9075; I've been using the instruction "eval" to eval a Matrix in Matlab 2007 and 2008 and it works Axx=eval(dAm); but when I tried to use it in Matlab 2009 send the error : ??? Error using ==> evalin Undefined function or variable 'PI'. Error in ==> sym.eval at 15 s = evalin('caller',vectorize(map2mat(char(x)))); So I need help for to fix this problem
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