From: LFG Tech on
Hello Friends,

Suppose i have a mtrix

x = [1 2 3 4;
5 6 7 8;
9 8 5 9;
7 7 7 7];

now I want to find the number of times the maximum value(in this case 9) appears.Also i wld like to get the coordinates of them (in this case 3,1 and 3,4).

From: Sadik on

maxValue = max(x(:));
[m,n] = find(x==maxValue);
numberOfMaxValues = length(m);

m will be [3;3] and n will be [1;4]. So if you want to see the coordinates side by side, you can do

coordinates = [m,n];

so that coordinates will be a 2-column matrix.
