From: John on
Hi, I have two coupled 2nd order D.E.'s that I need to put into ode45 and plot. I am having a hard time putting them in state variables. Please help.


From: Torsten Hennig on
> Hi, I have two coupled 2nd order D.E.'s that I need
> to put into ode45 and plot. I am having a hard time
> putting them in state variables. Please help.
> X1"=-.75*X1-.75*X2
> X2"=-3*X1-.5*X2
> Thanks.

Set x1' = y1, x2' = y2.
Then your 2nd-order-system becomes a 1st-order system that can be solved by directly applying ODE45:
x1' = y1
y1' = -0.75*x1 - 0.75*x2
x2' = y2
y2' = -3*x1 - 0.5*x2

Best wishes