From: andrea on

I have a vector, V, and an array, A.
Which function in MATLAB running the cross product between a vector and an array?
I saw the function cross but its in input accept two vectors with equal size.

Thanks for all

From: James Tursa on
"andrea " <nacchio1983(a)> wrote in message <i11jpt$pho$1(a)>...
> I have a vector, V, and an array, A.
> Which function in MATLAB running the cross product between a vector and an array?
> I saw the function cross but its in input accept two vectors with equal size.

Do you mean something like this, column by column?


James Tursa
From: Matt J on
"andrea " <nacchio1983(a)> wrote in message <i11jpt$pho$1(a)>...
> Hi,
> I have a vector, V, and an array, A.
> Which function in MATLAB running the cross product between a vector and an array?
> I saw the function cross but its in input accept two vectors with equal size.

You could also do as follows

xprodmat(V)*A; %Column-by-column cross product of V with A

function A=xprodmat(a)
%Matrix representation of a cross product
% A=xprodmat(a)
% a: 3D vector
% A: a matrix such that A*b=cross(a,b)

if length(a)<3, error 'Input must be a vector of length 3'; end



A(2,1)=az; A(1,2)=-az;
A(3,1)=-ay; A(1,3)=ay;
A(3,2)=ax; A(2,3)=-ax;